Senin, 31 Desember 2012


Happy new year, mina-sama!

But now in my place is raining, I don't know if I could play some fireworks or what. Perhaps I could do it when the rain stops.
Anyway, we all survived from 21122012. Hehe.

Selasa, 20 November 2012

November Rain

Rain, rain, rain, rain. Here, in my city is raining. I hope there's no flood.

0 (Zero) Kilometre Spot of Bandung

There's built the monument. It's shown by the red arrow. Sorry if the photo isn't clear enough because I took it while I was riding a bus, it was taken from the bus.
I live in Bandung. When I was on the way to Mesjid Agung (Agung Mosque) at the downtown, I tried to take this.
If you're still confused of what I'm talking, okay, first, I'll tell the history of this 0 km. Indonesia was colonized by Netherlands. When the Dutch dominated Indonesia, The Dutch governor-general, Herman Willem Daendels ordered the Indonesian to build Jalan Raya Pos (Pos Boulevard, Dutch: groote postweg) from Anyer, West Java (now Banten) to Panarukan, East Java. It's 1000 kilometres long! And it's through Bandung. When Daendels visited Bandung, he and Bandung regent at that time, Wiranatakusumah II inaugurate Jembatan Cikapundung (Cikapundung Bridge), and then Daendels said in Dutch, “Zorg, dat als ik terug kom hier een staad is gebouwd.” ("Try to put forth, when I come back, here's already built a city.")
Reputedly, he said that when he transfixed a stick to a spot. That spot is called the 0 km of Bandung.
But after Bandung is already a city, reputedly (again), Daendels never came back to Bandung because his ruling in Netherlands-Indies (Indonesia) was finished, the government was changed and replaced by the new one.

Kamis, 08 November 2012

Our Last

Don't be too proud of the colour of your skin
Because the last colour of our skin is CLAYEY
Don't be too proud of your big house
Because our last house is A DEEP AND NARROW HOLE
Don't be too proud of your new clothes
Because our last clothe is A SHROUD
Don't be too proud of your cars
Because our last vehicle is A HEARSE

Minggu, 04 November 2012


In an elementary school...
Teacher: "Kids, what we are going to do is doing an experiment. We have a glass of water and a glass of vodka. I bring two worms, and we put the worms into the glasses, one in vodka and one in water."
The teacher put each worm into a glass. A few minutes later, the worm in the glass of vodka was dead, but the worm in the glass of water was alive.
Teacher: "So, kids, what's our conclusion from this experiment?"
Teacher: (?)

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

The Now Post (Hehe)

Are you an OTAKU?

Ah, sorry for that turgid question.
I like music, especially rock. I'm an otaku, anime (Japanese cartoon) fan. So, two of my favorite things are anime and rock music. Maybe I don't know how, but I want to be a songwriter. Sometimes, I wonder if there's a famous person read my blog. So, if you're a musician/some musicians, answer THAT^

If yes, I just want to "Bro fist" or "Hi 5" or "Shake hand". If no, it's okay, peace.

Sabtu, 29 September 2012


A moment, a love, a dream, a laugh, a kiss, a cry, our rights, our wrongs

That's all what we need

Senin, 24 September 2012

My First Twister

When I was going home from school, I saw a twister on the road. I was in Arcamanik. It was whirling and flew some leaves and dust. I wanted to take a picture about it, but my friends in the car were panic, maybe because they were scared if the dust got in the car. I was the last who closed the window because I enjoyed seeing it. After our car passed through, the twister wasn't seen anymore. I think we broke the twister. But, by the way, that was cool!

Sabtu, 15 September 2012


Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Can we pretend
To leave and then
We'll meet again
When both our cars collide?

Everyone wants to be heard

Selasa, 11 September 2012


Some interesting occasions in my opinion:
  • 11 September 2001: World Trade Center was attacked, hit by an airplane.
  • 9 November 1989: Berlin Wall was destroyed.
  • 17 August 1945: Indonesia's declaration of independence.
  • 15 March 1998: My birth.

Penyakit Pada Sistem Reproduksi - Tugas Sains

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).
AIDS adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Virus ini menyerang manusia dan menyerang sistem kekebalan tubuh sehingga tubuh lemah melawan infeksi. Dengan kata lain, penyakit ini mengakibatkan defisiensi (kekurangan) sistem imun.
HIV dan virus-virus sejenisnya umumnya ditularkan melalui kontak langsung antara lapisan kulit dalan (membran mukosa) atau aliran darah, dengan cairan tubuh yang mengandung HIV, seperti darah, air manicairan vaginacairan preseminal, dan air susu ibu. Penularan dapat terjadi melalui hubungan intimtransfusi darahjarum suntik yang terkontaminasi, antara ibu dan bayi, serta bentuk kontak lainnya dengan cairan-cairan tubuh tersebut.

Gonorhea atau kencing nanah adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektumtenggorokan, dan bagian putih mata (konjungtiva). Gonorhea bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian. Pada wanita, gonore bisa menjalar ke saluran kelamin dan menginfeksi selaput di dalam pinggul sehingga timbul nyeri pinggul dan gangguan reproduksi. Gonorhea merupakan penyakit infeksi yang menyerang lapisan epitel (lapisan paling atas dari suatu jaringan), bila tidak diobati, infeksi ini akan menyebar ke jaringan yang lebih dalam.

Sifilis adalah penyakit kelamin menular yang disebabkan oleh bakteri spirosetaTreponema pallidum. Penularan biasanya melalui kontak seksual, tetapi ada beberapa contoh lain seperti kontak langsung dan kongenital sifilis (penularan melalui ibu ke anak dalam uterus). Di Amerika Serikat, dilaporkan sekitar 36.000 kasus sifilis tiap tahunnya, dan angka sebenarnya diperkiran lebih tinggi. Sekitar tiga per lima kasus terjadi kepada lelaki.

Herpes Genital.
Genital herpes hanya dapat ditularkan langsung melalui kontak seksual, termasuk ke genital-genital, mulut-ke-genital, atau kontak dengan partner yang terinfeksi. Sesekali, kontak oral-genital herpes mulut dapat menyebar ke alat kelamin (dan sebaliknya). Individu dengan herpes aktif atau luka di sekitar mulut mereka atau di alat kelamin mereka hanya terlibat dalam seks, melalui vagina atau anus. Wanita hamil terkeserang herpes bayi mempunyai risiko tinggi tertular. Virus dapat ditularkan kepada janin melalui placenta selama kehamilan atau selama persalinan vaginal. Pada infeksi selama kehamilan dapat meningkatkan risiko keguguran, ketuban penurunan pertumbuhan. Sekitar 30-50% bayi yang lahir melalui vagina dengan seorang ibu yang terinfeksi virus herpes. Bayi yang dilahirkan perempuan mengalami serangan pada saat lahir, satu sampai empat persen menjadi terinfeksi dengan herpes-simplex virus.